3V8SS - CQ WW SSB 2016 Disqualification

In CQ WW SSB 2016, I did 43 hours of operation, 3707 QSO, and I'm first world! I'm supposed to be qualified to WRTC 2018 with 20 points higher than 5H3EE (DL4SM) score!

This disqualification (based on the below), destroys my score and my achievement and as well my 2-years effort to qualify to WRTC.

First email from the CC (Original *.msg format) PDF Format

You find in this link my responses on the first email received from the CQ WW CC with all clarification. My response was sent one day after I received CC email.

Second email from the CC (Original) PDF Format

Then after the CC reviewed their initial "analysis" in the light of my responses, two points were left. See here the second email sent by the CC.

Here below are CQWW CC REMAINING concerns and my responses. Please have a look below then send a word of truth to the CQ WW CC! (and if possible copy me).


CQ WW CC Concern 3V8SS Response

Hello 3V8SS Ash,

We have carefully reviewed our analysis.

We find the following:

3V8CB and KG5OUE both use IP address

F4HJD, KG5OUE, and 3V8CB all use IP address

Therefore, all of those stations are the same person.

Because of the previously identified timing of spots, relative to band changes and with slow or zero rates, there is close coordination with 3V8SS operations and activity.

Ahmad Boubaker, KG5OUE, Tunisian Operator of 3V8CB club, located in Tunis 200 km away from 3V8SS

Ali Abdelhedi, F4HJD, Tunisian Operator of 3V8CB club, located in Tunis 200 km away from 3V8SS

Both Ali and Ahmad were in 3V8CB sometime during that weekend. Both of them they did major upgrade of 3V8CB and they spend hundreds of hours together. See their activity from 3V8CB on ARAT facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/arat.tunisia/

They spotted me 5 times using their calls and their club call. They used to follow my operations through WebSDR and from 3V8CB. I have very long recordings they made to me (I can make them available if requested) of many previous contests. They like to do that!

Condx were bad and contest was always slow. If they chose to boost my activity when I was at "low rate" (which makes sense), I would appreciate that but I NEVER asked anyone to do so!!

As per CC very first email, my IP is, Tunisian number of a mobile 3G/4G provider. That's the only internet I have. The scout house where 3V8SS is doesn't have internet.

My brother lives in Rostock, Germany. I can easily ask him to spot me if I want to avoid any possible issue from spotting from Tunisia!

Additionally, you are in violation of the follow RULE


The CQ WW DX Contest Committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the contest entries. Entrants are expected to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices. Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the Committee.

A. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to:

·  Arranging or confirming any contacts during or after the contest by use of ANY non-amateur radio means such as telephones, Internet, instant messaging, chat rooms, VoIP, email, social media or web sites

The audio file you supplied of the QSO with HB9EOU on 160 is only part of the actual event.  Please listen to our audio file, attached.

At minute 00:00 of the file, you can hear HB9EOU calling CQ on 1834.  He stops calling CQ at 00:09.  At 01:35 3V8SS begins giving his call sign on the same frequency.  That is 1 minute and 26 seconds after HB9EOU stopped calling CQ.  How did you know to call him there?  3V8SS continues to give his own call sign (not calling CQ). At 02:14, HB9EOU begins calling 3V8SS (not calling CQ), but he does not hear 3V8SS at first. At one point 3V8SS and HB9EOU are calling at the same time (doubling with each other).  How did HB9EOU know to call 3V8SS?  At 02:37 on the audio file, contact is made.  After the QSO, HB9EOU calls CQ. 

We feel that this demonstrates non-amateur means of arranging a QSO.

The disqualification is upheld.

We welcome you to participate in the 2017 CQWW contests.

Bob, W5OV; Doug, KR2Q; Scott, W4PA

on behalf of the CQWW Contest committee

- HB9EOU was NOT a multiplier for me when I called him. I previously worked HB9H the first night!

Audio Recording of the CC from their SDR

- HB9EOU was calling CQ and it was heard on my second radio. When I started calling him (I needed some time before, may be for eating, drinking or changing radio. I can never remember the reason! it was 4 am local) he was not QRV on that frequency but I said, he's may be listining while drinking or so.. I kept calling 3V8SS.... 3V8SS.... should he (or anyone else) call me back. When he came back to me he said "Trois Victoire Huit Sierra Sierra, Trois Victoire Huit Sierra...." He didn't complete the second Sierra because he noticed that started calling me back early and he interrupted me and that I wasn't hearing him (we both calling). Listen again to the recording. That's the proof the guy heard me before he called!!

After he interrupted his call, he called me again, I responded with "again, again, again!" (why do I need to do this if we are coordinating via other means???)

He repeated his call 3 times! (he didn't need to if we're coordinating!) After that the QSO went OK and normal.

After the QSO finished, he repeated again "Merci beacoup, merci beacoup" (thank you, thank you) to make sure I logged him and I finished the QSO. If we were coordinating, I can text him by saying you are in the log. Skype/Whatsapp/Viber/Facebook.... are much easier than 160 band!

Audio Recording of 3V8SS

The Contest Commitee FEELS that this demonstrates non-amateur means of arranging a QSO ("Feels" is their word!!). They took a decision based on a feeling!!!!